Values the most is the quality of the content published by the user. A comprehensive description with short paragraphs and that includes the keywords of the business is essential. Likewise, it is convenient that there are links to the web and corporate social networks. 4. Image . The image of the company logo must be in high resolution and the photographs and videos must have very good quality. For this reason, you have to select good photos of the business window, interior, exterior, etc. Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words . 5. Take advantage of the virtual tour .
You already know that virtually opening the doors of your business has been possible for a long time. You can hire a professional photographer Outlook Email List to take your photos to adapt them to interactive technology that will improve the shopping experience. 6. Reviews . Did you know that a positive quality comment increases customer confidence? Without a doubt, it influences the positioning and visibility of your business. You have to encourage customers to leave good reviews and respond cordially to any type of comment that is made. 7. The location .
It is very important to generate a location for each branch, premises or location that the company or business may have. Geolocated positioning is key to attracting customers. It is true that the more locations you have, the greater the optimization work, but the chances of getting more traffic and visibility also increase. 8.Google Analytics . With the data provided by the Google statistics block, you can know the number of views, the actions carried out by users and how the metrics evolve. In addition, it also shows you the origin of the visits. This information helps you to know the positioning scope of your Google My Business listing .